
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Business Lessons from Momma!

The very best thing that I can do for you today is share with you one of the greatest gifts that I have been given! That is my friend Deremiah *CPE. He is one of my greatest teachers and one of my favorite blessings. (I have spent hours on the phone with him and had the true privilege of interviewing him a handful of times on my radio shows. )

Today with tears in my eyes, I am so honored to share him with you … give yourself a gift and listen to him on another radio show that he was just on as he shares the amazing Business lessons that his Momma taught him!

You will learn outstanding gems that his Momma taught him like this… “If once a task you have begun, never quite until it is done… be the labor big or small, do it well or not at all!”

Celebrate your Life and the amazing people/things that surround you! I promise you this… This radio interview is the most inspired thing that I have ever shared with you!

I am sitting here, listening to his latest radio show... with tears in my eyes I find myself more humbled by the Inspiration that is Deremiah Cpe ! He continues to teach me so much, words will never be big enough to share the gratitude that I have for dear friend Deremiah *CPE! Thank YOU for all that he does to inspire us in service, love and grace! Thanks be to his Momma for the lessons that she “eaupened” up in him, I stand with him in celebration for her life. I love YOU!

Humbly Yours,

Marcia Johnson