
Friday, December 18, 2009

Inspire YOUr Business

I love sharing great business ideas that help elevate everyone in leadership. I just listened to a great webinar that was included in the free bundle form 180 Coaches, there were some simple easy to apply ideas that will help build your business simply...with a little bit of effort.

One of the great things that you will learn about is Joint Ventures (JV’s). I know firsthand how extremely successful this business strategy can be. In my Husband and my Electrical company, we have used the joint venture idea since the onset of our business. Some of the ways that it has worked for us is … we have bid for a job that was almost double our employee’s capacity…because we borrow employees from other like companies. This was so very successful because it allowed us to stretch our company without having more paperwork… the other employees remain employed by the other company, so they remained on the other companies benefits and payroll…we just wrote the company a check at the end of the job with a little commission to the second company. It was win/win for both companies because we were able to do the job and the second company was able to maintain good employees without having to lay anyone off. We have also had many other JV approach’s that I will share with you on another blog.

To hear about the other suggestions and to be INSPIRED into Action…. It is as simple as signing up with 180 for free… in return they will send you lots of amazing information and outstanding tools for the social development of your business. The will also send you a link to a free webinar that will show you three ways you can at least double your client database. These ideas are not rocket science, you just need to take action and implement them :)

The Creators of Beyond the Secret are very proud to announce the 180 Quick Start Coaching System! And the very thrilling part is it's FREE!

Literally everything you need to start your coaching business and/or motivate your existing business to rise to new levels of profitability…
All that you need is your name and email address and you are ready to receive. I promise you that it is well worth your time!

Wishing YOU a life of learning.
Humbly Yours,

President of Stock Harmony

P.S. to stay up to date about the Television Launch of 180 Life & Style... join the 180 facebook page...

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P.P.S. I am about to hit the Facebook Friend Limit of 5000 friends. It would be great to connect & learn more about YOU so I invite you link with me here: on my facebook page. I have created about 30 groups, pages & applications so I have a lot to share with you, I will do my very best to Inspire and Motivate YOU to live your full potential. Thank YOU... Feel free to share with me, more about YOU!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Sovereign Man

A couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege of interviewing one of my favorite people. Simon Black is a world traveler and international investor. He spends his days with boots on the ground checking out the fundamentals and more of global business opportunities. Every day he sends out his newsletter called the Notes from the Field. In his letter you will find priceless information from investing to travel tips and everything in between.

Before branching out on his own, Simon wrote a newsletter (Beyond Borders) for his good friend Doug Casey. Learning first hand from under the wing of the investing "Guru" himself, Simon was a quick study and became very successful and honed his skills in not only investing but also relationship building. His personality, experience and mystery have gained him access into many closed door meetings with some of the world's biggest players.
Meet Simon, in his own words:

"Simon Black has never been a conformist. Home schooled in
his early years by his European mother who spoke six languages and had an
accounting degree, Simon spent a significant portion of his formative
learning years sandwiched between romance languages and balance sheets. It
turns out that both would come in handy.

As far back as he could trace, his ancestors had been
staunchly independent- a pair of Italian bakers, an English explorer, a
Texas farmer, a small town real estate mogul, and a Chickasaw Indian hunter.
Self-reliance, freedom, and opportunism flowed through his veins, along with
a healthy distaste for convention.

By the time he reached high school, Simon was already
working the system to his favor, devising innovative schemes to put deals
together and make money... some of which occasionally landed him in the
custody of school administrators or the local police. As such, it was a
surprise to everyone when Simon successfully sought an appointment to the US
Military Academy at West Point. Everyone thought he would fail, and he was
determined to prove them wrong.

While at West Point, Simon excelled academically and
athletically, yet struggled with the regimentation of military life. And
though he never quite figured out how to shine his shoes properly, it was
during this time in his life that he harnessed his financial background and
began investing in the market.

Graduating near the top of his class, he opted for the
counter-culture lifestyle of an intelligence officer, and for the next
several years lived two lives-one of an entrepreneur and investor, the other
as an American intelligence officer in the Middle East and elsewhere.
During his military service and throughout multiple deployments, Simon
managed to start several businesses, including a real estate holding company
that exploited a little known government program that provided substantial,
guaranteed payments to landlords.

Happily enriched, idealistic, and patriotic, Simon
enthusiastically performed his duties with the honest opinion that he was
contributing to national defense... until the windup to the Iraq invasion.
He remembers vividly how US politicians made the case for Saddam's
nonexistent nuclear arsenal, and his idealism instantly tumbled.
Ironically, around the same time, Simon discovered the writings of HL
Mencken, Ayn Rand, and his future friend and mentor, Doug Casey.

Simon found an intellectual and philosophical home in the
common sense, anarcho-libertarian ideals espoused by these authors. And
though his life as an intelligence officer deployed overseas had been
thrilling to say the least, it was a misguided career in the service of
corrupt bureaucrats.

Simon left the military almost immediately, sold his US
assets, and began a long financial and philosophical journey that has taken
him to nearly 100 countries on 6 continents. Along the way he has
participated in dozens of interesting, profitable deals and become
associated with a unique cast of characters that includes heads of state,
billionaire investors, former mercenaries, celebrities, arms dealers, CEOs,
drug traffickers, NGO fat cats, as well as legions of bankers, brokers, and

Simon has created his life to be one of abundance in all areas. No matter where on earth he may be, you can bet that Simon has access through his network of connections. Offering value where ever he goes, he is defiantly one investor that you do want to have a part of your business venture...and not merely for his financial contribution but also his vase understanding of
the Global business world.

Be it China, Panama, Venezuela, Germany, Argentina or pretty much anywhere, Simon has built strong relationship with the top lawyers, bankers and government agents. Since these are usually the ones with their finger on the pulse of the business culture, they are who Simon spends most of his time with... that is when he is not in the gym. He is extremely self disciplined, self motivated and self reliant. However, "Despite any measure of success, Simon's ethos is not about money; it's about freedom."

If James Bond were a real person... his name would be Simon Black. This 007 is the real life version of adventure, excitement and charisma. "Simon is an international investor forever in search of the next investment and lifestyle opportunity." Through his daily writings, he shines a light on the real opposed to the one that the media has portrayed. Ranging from medical care to military, Simon fractures the stereotypes that most of the world has been spoon fed for the majority of their lives. His sharing inspires and motivates the reader to step past the F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) and remove the limiting beliefs that are holding most of us back from creating the life of our dreams. Even if you have the ability to step outside of your own world to see the possibilities and opportunities that are waiting for you, I would still highly suggest that you sign up for this Simon's newsletter, 'Notes from the Field.'

Humbly Yours,


Marcia Johnson

Featured Contributor on
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