
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Facebook ...Simplified

In case you did not know, the way that facebook works is when you are a member of a group / page the program automatically feeds posts back to your news feed wall.... so any information that people post will show up on your wall, unless you UN-Join the group / page it will keep doing it. If you are not happy receiving group messages, the way to stop receiving them is to un-join the group. Not that I want you to leave any of our groups... but I do want to be helpful!

The same thing happens with Friend Requests ...the moment that you send a request, if the persons Privacy settings are not on LockDown, You will start to see their posts appearing on your wall. (It is built into the program, it is not because people are sending you everything that they do is a program feed that pulls the most popular things (based on people clicking like) as well as the most recent posts.

When I spoke with an old friend of mine that I had not spoken to in awhile, he called me a spammer.... it was simply because he did not know how Facebook's auto feed program worked, once I explained it, he apologized and understood. I was not me, it was the if you have friends who share lots, it is likely that Your Facebook is covered with posts by them... if you share lots, keep in mind that you are probably covering your fiends news feeds.

(Lack of knowledge and a persons Perspective can create misunderstandings do take some time to learn the program before RE-Acting ... when you are educated you can come from a place of understanding.)

Think about your Facebook Goals... when you are there to uplift and motivate others, it can make a real difference to your own experiences. Instead of meeting people by making them go directly to your website...focus on them... otherwise it is like trying to sleep with someone on a first date ...or french kissing a stranger before you even know their name. Be the same genuine person that you are offline , online... you will go much further and be of real Value to your online world!
I hope that this information is helpful.
Wishing YOU the very best.
Humbly Yours,

P.S. I started a Facebook page that you may find helpful.. It is called How to: Your Guide to Social Networking & Social Media. Feel free to share any great information that may help others online experience.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Complaint Free Relationships

On Thursday/13/2010 I have the honor of interviewing Will Bowen… on Stock Talk Radio Complaint Free Relationships is by far my favorite book that I have read this year!!! This book will help YOU Positively transform YOUR Personal, Work & Love Relationships! The wisdom in this book is easy to apply (with practice ) into your daily life! Snippets like… “Relationships are not 50 / 50 it is more like 100 / 100 !”

This books opens up your ability to stop making excuses and take accountability for who YOU are, What YOU are and Where YOU are! It helps you understand that YOU do have options and that YOU are the one that is the constant in every relationship that YOU have ever had…. Where it is a work relationship or a personal relationship… YOU are the one that has been in every relationship that YOU have ever had…. When YOU make that “Ah Ha” in you own mind… you open yourself up to all new possibilities!

As YOU click the link to set a reminder for yourself to listen to the show… think about this, “The mind is a manufacturer; it produces thoughts. The mouth is a customer that buys what is produced, speaking the thoughts aloud. When the customer stops buying what the manufacture is producing, the manufacture will retool!” Will Bowen
Stock Talk Radio

Join Your Host Marcia Johnson with very special guest and amazing author Will Bowen. Will Bowen is the Lead Minister at One Community Spiritual Center, in Kansas City, MO. In July 2006, he suggested his congregation use purple bracelets to monitor their success at eradicating complaining from their lives. His idea exploded around the world and over 6 million purple Complaint Free bracelets have been sent to people in more than 106 countries. Bowen had the honor of presenting Dr. Maya Angelou with the actual 6 millionth complaint free bracelet, and she is now giving out complaint free bracelets whenever she speaks! Bowen has been featured on Oprah, The Today Show, CBS Sunday Morning, The ABC Evening News, Fox News Channel, and in hundreds of TV and radio interviews. Stories about him and the movement he created have been written about in over 100 newspapers, People magazine, "O" magazine, Newsweek Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, Good Housekeeping and Chicken Soup for the Soul. His first book, "A Complaint Free World," is an international best seller published in more than 15 countries. His second book, “Complaint Free Relationships,” (also an international best seller) was published in December 2009 and debuted along with the release of the inspirational DVD documentary entitled “Complaint Free Revolution.” Find out more on facebook and follow on Twitter

Humbly Yours,

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