So, here is what is happening with Stock Harmony…. Firstly, because we have not yet met our financing needs, we have to push back the initial start up of the Stock Harmony Social Network. We are looking for someone to help us raise funds for start up costs… including site build, research and marketing costs. It is essential that this person BE someone who believes in the core essentials of Stock Harmony … which are Honestly, Openness and Transparency. So, if you know (or are) someone who would like to fill that need, please let us know asap… because WE all need / want Stock Harmony to become the place that elevates Companies, Corporations, Customers and Investors to BE better, Do Better and inspire others to Step up and do the same.
Stock Harmony will be the place to connect, communicate and share online like never before... if you have not been to the site to sign up for your free shares... let me invite you now...
Through countless hours of hard work and dedication we have built a following of well over 100,000 people in different areas of like mindedness all over the globe. Stock Harmony has always been a “TOGETHER,” “TEAM,” effort .. however, the TEAM does not have all of the players. Until WE build the TEAM, WE will not be effective in creating the results that will make Stock Harmony the true success that it can be. That is a NETWORK that connects companies, investors and organizations in conversations that create positive solutions for everyone involved.
WE are building the currency of trust… I can’t do it alone… WE need to do it together.
Our Immediate needs are:
1. Fund Raiser ~Chief Operating Officer
2. Investors
3. Companies that do business with Honestly, Openness and Transparency.
4. Team Members
In order to connect and highlight people, companies and organizations Stock Harmony has built a Radio Network called Stock Talk Radio . I have interviewed people from all sorts of backgrounds and experiences…and am always open to having guests suggested. The show takes “Stock” of many different areas from Life to Investing and many surprising topic’s in between. For example, Tom Feltenstien, Marketing genius behind McDonalds, Coke, Subway, Nordstrom, Wal-Mart and Starbucks recently joined me on the show.
Robert Walker’s interview about Integrity in Business was outstanding. If you listen to only one of the show’s..this is the one. He discusses how businesses (people) that are OUT of Integrity… are broken. There is simple wisdom that can be applied to rebuild the fundaments of business, government…and life.
Douglas Vermeeren Director of the Opus Movie, Author of many books including the new book Guerrilla Achiever joined us on the show this month to speak about how to become a World Class Achiever. Doug is great friends with over 400 of the world’s top achievers. (So you can bet WE will be working closely with him to tap into that information and share with the experience of all of those people.)
Zennie Abraham, social media guru stopped in yesterday to speak about some surprising things that he found in one of the most trusted Charity organization in the world, as well as sharing some really great advice about the power of Social Networking. SBS CEO - Exec Producer: The Blog Report With Zennie62 TV Show; blogger, vlogger, game developer, air traveler, movie buff, foodie, politico.
Joyce Schwarz called in to talk about her experience of working with over 75 venture capital companies, she spoke about goal setting and vision boards and how she has worked with businesses to help achieve their objectives. Find out how vision boards are being used for future studies, scenario planning and economic development by such major organizations as the UN, the World Bank and Fortune 1000 firms around the globe. See why Oprah, Larry King & ELLEN shows have all done segments on vision board creation. Joyce Schwarz has conducted Visioning and Vision Board training workshops and keynote speaking sessions around the globe for such major corporations as Boeing, AT&T and France Telecom. Joyce lives and works in Marina Del Rey, California and runs a career strategy business called Center for Successful Re-careering and also founded The Vision Board Institute. . Schwarz has been featured in The Wall Street Journal and Money Magazine, and she has been on NBC National News, NPR and most recently E Entertainment TV’s morning show.
Christopher Pinckley joined the show to speak about his amazing book Reality Creation 101: Mastering Manifestation Through Awareness. We will speak about our own psychological and emotional well being. If we are simply trying to manifest something to feel better about ourselves, then it will be difficult to bring this non-physical thought form into our physical reality. The answer lies within our subconscious mind in an area known as the ‘unconscious’.
Stock Talk Radio ...and Forex Trading with Bindal Forex owner Jay Lakhani ....How To Trade The Forex Market With A Unique Trading Formula Only a Handful Of Traders Use.. Get Ready to Find Out How "Big Dogs" Got Rich Trading the Bindal ...
Working together is the way of the future...that is why everything that we are building will be in a Win/Win/ Win manner.
More Great Stock Talk Radio Shows
Taking Stock Of Movies with Brent Marchant. Get the Picture: Conscious Creation Goes to the Movies
Creating YOUR Success ~NOW Live Q&A with Christian Simpson
180 Overview New Television Show airing this fall.. with Beyond the Secret Movie Creators.
In the near future, we will be talking about WHY Gold as an investing choice, we all also be joined by Robert Moriarty for 321.Gold and 321.Energy as well as LuAn Mitchell, … so I invite YOU to sign up as a friend on the show page so that you will be kept informed about future guests.
Currently, you can access some amazing organizations on our online pages & Blog :
• Stock Harmony Page:
• Stock Talk Radio Page:
• My Personal Page:
• Stock Harmony Blog:
Twitter Accounts
• Stock Harmony
• Stock Talk Radio
• Marcia
Note: If you would like to access all of the other networks that I have built to make up the current network that we have… send me an email and I will send you invites to join each one of these solution networks.
I look forward to speaking with you again soon.
Most Humbly,
President of Stock Harmony